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Guarantee the most lucrative pension income by switching pension providers

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By : Kathy Johan   
Submitted 2011-01-31 03:21:06

A peaceful retirement is what we all want to enjoy once we halt our working lives. One major factor which impacts ones retirement is the level of income you can draw from an annuity.

An annuity is something the majority of us don't consider until we reach retirement as we simply don't have time. There is a multitude of causes explaining why we don't think earlier about annuities including... poor information from insurers, poor information from employers and a sense that the decision is years ahead.

To many in the retirement industry this can seem quite shocking as getting the best annuity deal can mean increasing your income by as much as 30% or more. As you can appreciate, this is a substantial amount of extra money.

The first question which usually pops into ones head when buying an annuity is... where do I go to find the best annuities? There are a number of places to start when looking for the best annuity such as... the company you built the fund with, financial advisers or an annuity broker. All of these have plus points and negative points, so ensure you pick the best option for you.

You could think this is a great deal of activity for you to undertake, but procuring the correct help is vital when looking for investment-linked annuities. If you don't compare UK annuity firms you might miss out on a more prosperous retirement. Many UK annuitants are now rueing the fact they failed to compare annuities.

Some of these annuitants could have even been eligible for an impaired life annuity, which could have the result of them now missing out on a better income in retirement. It should be said though that the 30% income boost is only offered to those with serious medical conditions. Here are a selection of medical conditions which can equate to higher rates... stoke, organ replacement and Multiple Sclerosis.

You may be thinking to yourself... 'I have never suffered a heart attack'. Well even if this is true you could still be in line for an enhanced annuity because of your lifestyle choices. Very often these higher annuities are offered to those who drink heavily or smoking on a regular basis. The best way to proceed would be to always inform your annuity broker of anything (illness or lifestyle choice) which may reduce your life expectancy.

The rationale behind why companies pay higher rates to those who are ill is that they calculate having to pay you for a lesser time period. It is also worth mentioning that higher annuity rates can be given if the retiree suffers from any of the following conditions tachycardia, cardiomyopathy or pleural plaques. As you can see there are more than one way in which you could be in line for a better rate.

So to avoid being one of those retirees who miss the opportunity of earning a better income from retirement, get shopping for an annuity today - it could be the most important decision you make.

Author Resource:- The overwhelming majority of people opt for standard or ‘level’ lifetime annuities.

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