Most pet owners aren't aware that dog food for bladder stones can be quite effective as long as you know how to select the best possible kibble. In this article, you'll learn what to look for and how following three simple steps (one of which is a healthy diet) can help prevent bladder crystals and infections and boost your dog's immunity as part of the process.
The reason that special dog food for dogs with bladder stones is important is that the ingredients in most commercial brands can alter the pH of the bladder, encouraging the formation of bladder crystals and urinary tract infections. What most pet owners do not realize is that the kibble that they buy in grocery stores is nothing more than junk food for dogs. It does not provide good nutrition and can set the stage for infection, disease and even cancer.
This junk food kibble contains pesticides, additives and other chemicals as well as fillers that provide no nutrients and byproducts instead of the meat that dogs need. When considering what to feed your pet, remember that food is our medicine and our first line of defense against disease. The same holds true for our pets, which is why you should feed your dog food for bladder stones that is organic and has been specifically formulated with lean meat and nutrients.
Crystal formation occurs when there is a dietary imbalance in respect to your cat's food supply, and too little water and too little urination to flush any crystals that form out of the system. But if you take the time to do your homework, and you talk to your vet, you will find that there are many great foods, prescription, natural and homeopathic, that can alter the chemical balance, dissolve crystals into urine instead of helping precipitate them, and encourage healthy heavy urination.
To continue to promote steady and regular urination a cat needs a constantly available source of clean, clear, fresh water, and a clean litter box. With these a cat is encouraged to empty his bladder deeply and frequently, sweeping away bacteria and crystals before they can do damage, keeping the urine dilute, and providing little sustenance for bacteria to feed on.
The final step, natural supplements, is a mild, low-impact way of continuing the good work already in place as a result of protective feeding and watering. There are many formulas available, safe enough for human use and often employing the same gentle herbs as found in human supplements. Common ingredients are berberis, cantharis, and staphysagris. These, used together, act as antibacterial, diuretic, and soothing agent, making sure your cat is as safe as possible from bladder stone surgery. Cats are sturdy companions...but even a sturdy cat can be helped with a bit of proactive planning, and proper care.
You know the answer to the question. Can bladder stones kill cats? Yes, they can...and therefore loving cat owners should act well in advance to discourage the triggers that can cause bladder stones. Talk to your vet, plan well, and know that your cat is being well cared for.
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