When you suspect that your teenager has an alcohol problem it is easy to feel as if the world is being pulled out from under your feet. Many parents are confused and unaware of what to do next. Do they yell at the child? Lock them in the house? Smart parents take a breath and assess this serious situation for what it is: a health risk for their child that can lead to serious problems – physically, socially and psychologically.
Consider the following information about what to do if you suspect that your child has an alcohol abuse or alcoholism problem that requires professional rehab.
Signs and Symptoms of Teen Alcoholism
Although every individual is different, there are a number of classic signs and symptoms of teen alcoholism that every parent needs to know. These warning signs include:
• Lying about whereabouts
• Staying in their bedroom until late in the day
• Missing school or arriving late to school
• Spending time with a new peer group
• Forgoing activities that they once found fulfilling and enjoyable
One of the biggest challenges of identifying teen alcoholism or abuse is that many of the symptoms above are similar to the actions of sober teenagers. Still, parents much be diligent – smell for alcohol on the child’s breath and search their room when needed for evidence of the behavior.
Getting your Teen into an Alcoholism Treatment Program
If, based on the information above, you believe that your child does indeed have a drinking problem, it is important to take action. The first step is to talk to you child about the situation. You want to be firm but also express your unconditional love for the child – and that you are not trying to control their lives. You are here to help them make better decisions about alcohol.
If talking to your child doesn’t work, you may need to consider holding an alcohol intervention. An intervention is a chance for family and friends to come together and tell the teen how their drinking is impacting the lives of those around them. The object is to get the teen to admit that there is a problem and then take them immediately from the intervention to a teen alcohol rehab center. Research addiction treatment options in your area and choose a program that has specific rehab care for young people.
This is a difficult and challenging time, but with the right information (and lots of love and support) parents can help their children make it through and break the cycle of addiction.
Author Resource:-
Stephanie Smith is the author of this article on Teen Vicodin Addiction.
Find more information about Teen Vicodin Rehab here.