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  • Cough Suppressant By:-Addison Adam
    It is important to understand that cough suppressants have a direct effect on the brain and the respiratory system
  • Tender Breasts During Pregnancy By:-mike misty
    One of the earliest and must amazing changes in your body during pregnancy happens to your breasts. Even during the first month of pregnancy, you may notice that your breasts grow considerably larger and feel very tender. This discomfort is similar, but usually a bit more intense to the way your breasts might feel just before you get your period.
  • Celiac Hereditary problem By:-mike misty
    Celiac Disease is a hereditary problem that can be considered as caused by food allergens as many effects take place within a body of a person who has this type of disease but did not test to look for it.
  • Natural Hypertension By:-mike misty
    Hypertension quite simply is a chronic elevation of blood pressure. It is the most common cardiovascular disease, and is the leading cause of stroke, as well as a major cause of heart attacks. Unfortunately often people do not even realize that they suffer from hypertension. They can readily not even know until it is too late.
  • Alcoholic Liver Disease By:-Aldrich alfred
    Chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis, is the 12th most common cause of death in the United States, alone, and causes nearly 30,000 deaths per year in America. Increased alcohol intake and obesity are both known risk factors for chronic liver disease. Moreover, recent research has suggested that the combination of alcohol intake and obesity may synergistically increase the risk of chronic liver disease above and beyond the sum of these two risk factors.
  • Hearing Aids By:-Baron Austin
    ALDs are designed to improve hearing in specific listening situations. They are designed to emphasize ONE signal. That signal might be a faraway voice (e.g., a lecturer in an auditorium), listening to TV, trying to converse in a restaurant, use a telephone or hear your alarm clock.
  • Hypertension Cure By:-Aldrich alfred
    The first and the foremost thing anyone suffering from hypertension can do is to reduce the extra pounds that one is carrying on ones body. A small reduction in weight can result in a drastic reduction in blood pressure and can be a simple hypertension cure.
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